Articulaciones en IVOT



Treatment of Chondral Lesions with Plasma-Rich.
Growth Factors.

El Dr. Ramón Cugat presenta en Japón un estudio clínico sobre su experiencia en la aplicación de factores de crecimiento durante estos últimos años. Oímos y leemos sobre la aplicación de los factores de crecimiento, y empieza a ser generalizado su uso. Los problemas degenerativos articulares están en la mente de todos los investigadores y de todos los clínicos que diariamente luchan para mitigar su efecto devastador en la articulación.

Ramon Cugat* **, Xavier Cuscó, Montserrat García, Juan Carlos Monllau & Roberto Seijas*, Pedro Alvarez, Alex Godall, Natalia Llorens, Gilbert Steinbacher, Jaume Vilaró**

* Clínica del Pilar
** Mutualidad de futbolistas. Rda. S. Pedro, SPAIN

The previous results of patients affected by chondral lesions in different joints, who have been treated with Plasma-Rich Growth Factors (P.R.G.F.) injected intrarticular from the period October 2002 - August 2003, have been presented in this study.
Platelet Rich in Growth Factors (P.R.G.F.) is an autologous preparation rich in Growth Factors, obtained from platelet enriched plasma. Growth factors are signalling proteins that regulate key processes involved in tissue repair, including cell proliferation, chemotaxis, cellular differentiation, and extracellular matrix synthethis.
When PRGF begin to work, the local tissue, which is in contact with this preparation, benefits from the particular actions of Growth Factors, able to interact with each other and individually with cell surface receptors and with different extracellular matrix proteins.
The pathogenesis of joint diseases, such as osteoarthritis, involves complex cellular processes, such as the inhibition of chondrocyte proliferation and/or an imbalance between extracellular matrix biosynthesis and degradation. This particular preparation rich in growth factors contains mitogenic and mophogenic factors, such as PDGF, VEGF TGF-0, EGF, and IGF-I, bFGF and HGF, that have a recognised influence on cellular activity. The administration of PRGF can have a beneficial effect in chondrocyte function and provides important therapeutic effects in cartilage repair.

1.- ANITUA ALDECOA, E & ANDÍA ORTIZ I. Un nuevo enfoque en la regeneración ósea. Eduardo Anitua Aldecoa, Vitoria 2000.
2.- MARTEL-PELLETIER J. Nuevos conocimientos en el proceso fisiopatológico en el desarrollo de la artrosis. Simposio SER Valoración radiológica para medir la actividad modificadora del curso de la artrosis ilustrado con el Condroitín Sulfato. Celebrado durante el XXIX Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Reumatología. Bilbao-España: 28-30 mayo 2003.

Session 2
Clinical Research 1